Get inner strength…
There is a big difference between:
- making a decision about something we want to change in our life, and
- actually being able to make that change
Change is always difficult and we need inner strength to see things through, especially if our environment is used to the “old us”. Inner strength comes from finding happiness, self-confidence and love inside of ourselves. The more inner strength we have, the less we depend on outside things like smoking, drinking, eating, etc to feel good and the easier it becomes to make the changes we want for our lives.
Transcendental Meditation is a simple, mental technique that restores our connection with our inner source of happiness. This helps to remain happy, no matter what the outside circumstances. This gives us more inner strength and makes it easier to follow through on our decisions.
What do TM meditators say?
Here is a short video with actors Jim Carrey, Russell Brand and Beth Behr, top model Raquel Zimmermann and previous Japanese Prime Minister Dr. Yukio Hatoyama commenting on how TM has helped them find inner strength and make meaningful changes in their life:

Top Model Raquel Zimmermann

Jim Carrey, actor

Patient of Dr. Pamela Peeke, commenting on how she lost 230 pounds in 2 years
Transcending = holistic side-benefits
TM also creates exceptionally deep rest, which has a lot of of side-benefits. More than 350 scientific studies from top universities like Harvard have been published in the past 50 years documenting these TM benefits. TM has been shown to relieve many stress-related health issues, improve mental potential and improve our relationships. Many national health organisations are now also formally recommending TM as an option for doctors to prescribe, for example the American Heart Association in the context of treating high blood pressure. And in Switzerland, leading health insurance provider Swica is now reimbursing part of the TM course fee.
Schools in more than 60 countries have started to implement TM in their curriculum to help students to be “ready to learn”, eg under the name “Quiet Time Program”. And even the European Union recently provided a €0.5 Million grant for tests with TM in the European school system.

Dr. Carlos Garcia, Superintendent, San Francisco Unified School District, 2007-2012

Dr. Norman Rosenthal, Psychiatrist, U.S. National Institutes of Mental Health
Transcending = Easy to do
Many people have tried some form of meditation and have found it difficult to do. The good news is that TM is very different. It is a very simple, natural and effortless technique, that doesn’t require any concentration or controlling of the mind. TM is taught individually by highly trained teachers and this personal coaching also makes it very easy to learn.

Ellen Degeneres, talk-show host

Cameron Diaz, actress
Do you have 90 minutes to discover how everything can change?
To understand how a simple technique can provide so many benefits, sign up for one of the free informational seminars that are organized around the country. Just fill out the form below, or select your nearest city on the map below. You will be able to:
- Meet a certified TM teacher
- Learn all the benefits that 20 minutes twice a day of TM practice can bring to provide happiness and balance, create deep rest, reduce stress, improve sleep, increase your self-confidence, improve your relationships etc.
- Ask any question you may have
- Schedule a TM course
Learn Transcendental Meditation in Kowloon Mongkok Centre
Mongkok Commercial Centre, 16 Argyle St, Mongkok, Kowloon Click here for map
Free TM Intro Talks
The Lectures are free. Please register below.
Kowloon Mongkok Centre TM Center
Mongkok Commercial Centre, 16 Argyle St, Mongkok, Kowloon

TM Teachers

Humphrey Lam
9471 5040

Grace Chow
9185 4644

Transcendental Meditation Hong Kong
Tel +85296905123